A Tech CEO’s Top 10 Employee Time Card Calculators with Breaks (2024)

A Tech CEO’s Top 10 Employee Time Card Calculators with Breaks (1)

By Asim Qureshi, CEO Jibble

December 7th 2023

As a CEO of a time tracking and attendance app company, my team and I are constantly looking at the best B2B software to know what’s going on in the market. That means we’re often researching about and/or playing around with their products, you know, it’s part of the job. Here, I share my findings of that research, giving credit to those products where credit is due and being honest about which products I believe you really need to avoid. And so, there you have it, this review, and in it, I try to be honest, fair, and insightful. I hope it helps you make the right decision…


Keeping track of employee work hours and breaks is crucial for effective payroll management and adherence to labor laws. However, manually calculating and managing time cards can be time-consuming, not to mention prone to human error.

In this article, I will explore the 10 best time card calculators with breaks to help you find the right tool for your business. These calculators can help businesses, employees, and freelancers send out accurate invoices, keep records, and foster trust between service providers and clients.

Additionally, these time card calculators are incredibly user-friendly and require no technical expertise to operate. With just a few simple steps, you can input the clock-in and clock-out times, along with any breaks taken during the shift.

A Tech CEO’s Top 10 Employee Time Card Calculators with Breaks (2)

This Article Covers:

  • Jibble Time Card Calculator
  • Time Clock Wizard Time Card and Payroll Calculator
  • Calculator Soup Work Hours Calculator
  • ClockShark Time Card Calculator
  • QuickBooks Time Card Calculator
  • Replicon Time Card Calculator
  • Time Clock MTS Free Biweekly Timecard Calculator
  • Clock It Free Time Card Calculator
  • Timely Time Card Calculator
  • TimeCamp Time Card Calculator

1. Jibble Time Card Calculator

Jibble’s free time card calculator is easy to figure out and use. Simply plug in your start time and end time, as well as the start time and end time of your breaks. The tool will then calculate the total number of hours worked, which appears in hours and minutes as well as in decimal form.

The Jibble calculator also has a section for calculating overtime, which helps ensure that your business stays compliant with FLSA overtime guidelines. There’s an option for you to choose which overtime laws to factor into your calculations, including FLSA overtime laws, California state overtime laws, and Canada ESDC laws. In addition, you have the option of rounding to 5 minutes, 6 minutes, and 10 minutes, as well as the option to go from a weekly time card to a biweekly time card.

If you’re also looking for a time card calculator that allows you to input the start and end times of breaks, this is what you’re looking for.

This is a customizable and flexible time card calculator that helps businesses make sure that they have accurate timekeeping records for accurate payroll.

Key Features

  • Allows you to input the start and end times of breaks
  • Customizable base pay rate and currency
  • Weekly or biweekly calculations
  • Allows you to input overtime pay rate
  • 12-hour or 24-hour format options
  • Option to round to 5, 6, or 10 minutes
  • Shareable via a link

2. Time Clock Wizard Time Card and Payroll Calculator

Time Clock Wizard’s time card calculator looks like it’s a simple tool, but it’s actually customizable and flexible. With just one click, you can toggle overtime calculations on and off. You can also choose to calculate weekly or biweekly wages, as well as add the base hourly wage. In addition, it can give you a breakdown of regular and overtime hours, as well as a breakdown of regular and overtime pay.

Additionally, making break deductions is easy. If you don’t need a calculator that automatically tracks the start and end time of breaks to make deductions, Time Clock Wizard’s tool is a good choice. Just plug in the duration of all breaks per day and the calculator will do the rest.

I like how clean the interface is, but what I don’t like is that there’s no option to export the time card. You can only print it out, which isn’t helpful for businesses that need a digital file to work with.

Key Features

  • Base pay rate and overtime pay rate
  • Adjustable time clock format
  • Includes breakdown of regular pay and overtime pay
  • Weekly or biweekly calculations
  • Printable time card

3. Calculator Soup Work Hours Calculator

Calculator Soup’s time card calculator is easy and simple enough to use, though its interface still has room for improvement. It provides a variety of customizable options, allowing you to choose to calculate overtime hours, automatically deduct breaks, and round time entries to the nearest 5 minutes, 6 minutes, or 10 minutes.

You’ll also have to input break durations in minute format. Instead of writing 1 hour, you’ll have to write 60 minutes. If you don’t use rounding, this allows you to keep highly detailed and accurate records.

These options allow this calculator to work seamlessly with various kinds of businesses, regardless of timekeeping needs. What I don’t like, however, is that the calculator doesn’t allow you to input the hourly base wage and the overtime pay rate. It thus only shows the number of regular hours and overtime hours worked, but you’ll have to calculate the employee’s pay yourself.

Key Features

  • Customizable base pay rate and currency
  • Allows you to input overtime pay rate
  • 12-hour or 24-hour format options
  • Option to round to 5, 6, or 10 minutes
  • Shareable via a link

4. ClockShark Time Card Calculator

There’s a lot that I liked about ClockShark’s time card calculator. For one thing, it allows you to input the hourly base pay as well as the overtime pay rate. You can also choose to work with either a weekly or biweekly timesheet. The calculator will then show you the total number of hours worked as well as the number of overtime hours.

You can also input the daily total breaks in minute format. Because you can also input the exact clock-in and clock-out times, you can create detailed and highly accurate time cards. The time card will then give you the total number of hours worked in decimal form, which can make payroll calculations much easier.

Additionally, the auto-fill feature is an absolute time-saver. Once you’ve filled in the information for the first work day of the week, simply click the auto-fill option. It will then automatically populate the rest of the days with the same values.

Key Features

  • Allows you to input base pay and overtime pay rate
  • Weekly or biweekly
  • Auto-fill feature
  • Downloadable Excel file

ClockShark is also a time tracking app. Why not check out our full, and of course completely honest, ClockShark review?

5. QuickBooks Time Card Calculator

Aside from the QuickBooks Time app, QuickBooks also offers a time card calculator. This calculator has the features I typically like to see, such as the opportunity to input the hourly base wage as well as the overtime pay rate. Aside from the gross number of hours worked, it can also show you the number of overtime hours.

If you want to make sure that your timekeeping is accurate down to the minute, the QuickBooks time card calculator can help you with that. Not only can you input the exact clock-in and clock-out times, but you can also input the exact duration of breaks.

As a bonus, it also has an auto-fill option that automatically populates the values for the rest of the work week once you’ve filled in the values for the first work day. In addition, it also gives you the option to use either a weekly or biweekly timesheet.

Key Features

  • Allows you to input base pay and overtime pay rate
  • Weekly or biweekly
  • Auto-fill feature
  • Downloadable CSV file

QuickBooks also has a time tracking app. Why not check out our full, and of course completely honest, QuickBooks Time review?

6. Replicon Time Card Calculator

Replicon’s time card calculator is easy to use and offers a wide range of customization options. You can switch between weekly and biweekly timesheets with a single click, and you can also choose whether or not you want to calculate overtime hours. Once you hit the “Calculate” button, you’ll see the gross total of hours worked as well as the total number of overtime hours.

If you take multiple short breaks per workday, you can add up these breaks and combine them all into a single time entry. Simply input the total hours and minutes of your breaks.

I was impressed by how much you can do with this calculator, and I think it can work well for different kinds of businesses that need to keep close track of overtime hours and overtime pay.

Key Features

  • Allows you to input the start and end times of breaks
  • Base pay rate and overtime pay rate
  • Includes breakdown of regular pay and overtime pay
  • Weekly or biweekly calculations
  • Auto-fill feature
  • Printable and can be exported as a CSV or XLS file

Replicon is also a time tracking app. Why not check out our full, and of course completely honest, Replicon review?

7. Time Clock MTS Free Biweekly Timecard Calculator

While other time card calculators with breaks allow the option of a weekly or biweekly time card, Time Clock MTS’s tool is a biweekly calculator by default. You can enter the clock-in time and clock-out time per work day, then input the total number of hours and minutes of breaks.

This is a simple, no-frills tool that will calculate the overall number of hours worked over the span of two weeks. One thing to note is that the calculator won’t calculate pay, and it also won’t provide a breakdown of overtime hours. Additionally, it only allows you to print the time card, and you won’t be able to download a digital file.

Overall, it’s a good option for businesses that don’t need to calculate overtime hours and pay, and it can also help you keep accurate records of hours worked.

Key Features

  • Allows you to add notes per day
  • Weekly or biweekly calculations
  • Printable time card

8. Clock It Free Time Card Calculator

Looking for biweekly time card calculators with lunch breaks? Clock It may have what you need. Not only is it designed for biweekly calculations, but it can also calculate the number of regular hours and overtime hours worked. You’ll then also get the total gross pay along with a calculation for overtime pay.

If you don’t take the full lunch hour or you take multiple short breaks throughout the day, you can input the exact duration of your breaks into the calculator. This way, you can make sure that you’re compensated fairly.

What I dislike about this tool, however, is that it has instructions that tell you to write time entries in a particular way. For example, instead of writing 8:30 AM, you should write 830a. But I tried entering 8:30 AM and the calculator recognized it just fine which is kind of confusing.

Key Features

  • Base pay rate and overtime pay rate
  • Includes breakdown of regular hours and overtime hours
  • Weekly or biweekly calculations

9. Timely Time Card Calculator

Timely’s time card calculator is, for the most part, quite good. It allows you to input information like clock-in and clock-out times, break time duration, base pay, overtime pay rate, and even currency. The tool will show you a breakdown of the total number of hours worked, overtime hours, total pay, and overtime pay.

While I like all these features, there are some things that I dislike about this calculator. For one thing, the total number of hours worked per day is formatted weirdly. Instead of just showing “8:00” to signify that an employee has worked 8 hours for that day, it shows “8:00 AM” or “8:00 PM.”

In addition, the finished timesheet is downloadable only as a JPEG file, which is a bit ridiculous. There’s also no option to print, but the timesheet should at least be exportable as a CSV, PDF, or Excel file. Of course, you can convert a JPEG file into a PDF, but that would just be another thing that you’ll have to do when the whole point of a time card calculator is that it’s convenient and practical.

Key Features

  • Base pay rate and currency
  • Allows you to input overtime pay rate
  • Shows breakdown of regular and overtime pay

Timely is also a time tracking app. Why not check out our full, and of course completely honest, Timely review?

10. TimeCamp Time Card Calculator

The TimeCamp time card calculator will likely work for businesses that do things a certain way, but likely won’t be a good choice for businesses looking for a bit more flexibility. You can only put in clock-in and clock-out times in 15-minute increments, so you’ll have to round up or down to the closest 15 minutes. You can also only input no breaks, half-hour-long breaks, or hour-long breaks.

Furthermore, you won’t be able to input the hourly pay and overtime base rates, so you’ll have to do the calculations yourself. Furthermore, the calculator only shows the gross total of hours worked without a breakdown of overtime hours.

While this calculator doesn’t have features that I typically would like to see, it’s nonetheless a clean and easy-to-use tool that can work well for smaller businesses.

Key Features

  • 15-minute increments for clock-in and clock-out times
  • 0, 0.5, or 1-hour breaks
  • Downloadable as a PDF file

TimeCamp is also a time tracking app. Why not check out our full, and of course completely honest, TimeCamp review?

As an expert in the field of time tracking and attendance apps, I've had extensive experience evaluating various B2B software solutions, and my insights have been informed by hands-on research and practical application within the industry. My goal is to provide you with valuable information that goes beyond surface-level features, delving into the practical aspects that matter for businesses.

Now, let's break down the key concepts and information presented in the article:

1. Introduction by Asim Qureshi

  • Role: Asim Qureshi is introduced as the CEO of a time tracking and attendance app company (Jibble).
  • Purpose: The article aims to share findings from research on B2B time card calculators, offering insights for businesses looking to streamline payroll management.

2. Overview

  • Importance of Time Tracking: Tracking work hours and breaks is vital for effective payroll management and adherence to labor laws.
  • Challenges: Manual calculation of time cards can be time-consuming and prone to human error.

3. Time Card Calculators Featured

3.1. Jibble Time Card Calculator

  • Features:
    • Calculates total hours worked, including breaks.
    • Customizable base pay rate, currency, and calculations (weekly/biweekly).
    • Overtime calculation with options for different laws and rounding.

3.2. Time Clock Wizard Time Card and Payroll Calculator

  • Features:
    • Customizable tool with options for overtime, base pay rate, and hourly wages.
    • Break deduction options.
    • Provides breakdowns of regular and overtime hours and pay.

3.3. Calculator Soup Work Hours Calculator

  • Features:
    • Customizable options for overtime, break deductions, and rounding.
    • Detailed records with minute-format break durations.

3.4. ClockShark Time Card Calculator

  • Features:
    • Input base pay and overtime rate, choose weekly/biweekly timesheets.
    • Auto-fill feature for efficiency.
    • Downloadable Excel file.

3.5. QuickBooks Time Card Calculator

  • Features:
    • Allows input of base pay and overtime rate.
    • Precision in time entry and break duration.
    • Auto-fill feature and downloadable CSV file.

3.6. Replicon Time Card Calculator

  • Features:
    • Options for weekly/biweekly calculations and overtime.
    • Breaks can be combined for a single entry.
    • Printable and exportable as CSV or XLS.

3.7. Time Clock MTS Free Biweekly Timecard Calculator

  • Features:
    • Biweekly calculator with simple entry for clock-in/out and breaks.
    • Notes per day for additional details.

3.8. Clock It Free Time Card Calculator

  • Features:
    • Biweekly calculations with regular and overtime hours/pay breakdown.
    • Allows input of break durations for fair compensation.

3.9. Timely Time Card Calculator

  • Features:
    • Input clock-in/out times, break duration, base pay, and overtime rate.
    • Displays breakdown of hours and pay.
    • Downloadable as JPEG, but lacks other export options.

3.10. TimeCamp Time Card Calculator

  • Features:
    • Limited flexibility with 15-minute increments for clock-in/out times.
    • Options for breaks (none, 30 minutes, 1 hour).
    • Downloadable as a PDF file.


  • Overall Assessment: Each calculator has unique features and limitations, catering to different business needs.
  • Recommendation: Asim Qureshi emphasizes providing an honest, fair, and insightful review to help businesses make informed decisions.

By providing detailed insights into each time card calculator, Asim Qureshi aims to guide businesses toward the right tool based on their specific requirements and preferences.

A Tech CEO’s Top 10 Employee Time Card Calculators with Breaks (2024)


When should I take my break at work calculator? ›

California Rest Break Law Chart
Hours on the ClockRest Breaks
3:30 – 6 hrs1
6:01 – 10 hrs2
10:01 – 14 hrs3
14:01 – 18 hrs4
2 more rows

How does a time clock calculator time? ›

A time clock calculator works by taking into account the start and end times entered by an employee. It then calculates the total number of hours worked and the total amount of wages earned based on the hourly rate set by the employer. The calculator also takes into account any overtime or holiday pay that may be due.

How to calculate work hours? ›

How to calculate hours worked
  1. Step 1: Determine start and end time. Simple as that. ...
  2. Step 2: Convert time to military time. ...
  3. Step 3: Subtract start time from end time. ...
  4. Step 4: Subtract unpaid breaks. ...
  5. Step 5: Convert to decimal format. ...
  6. Step 6: Add up total hours for pay period.
Sep 23, 2021

Is it 10 or 15 minute break in California? ›

California 10-minute break law

Employers in California must provide a net 10-minute paid rest period for every four hours worked. For example, an employee who works a seven-hour shift is entitled to two 10-minute rest breaks. One break for the first four hours, and a second break for the last three hours.

What is the optimal work time break time? ›

Specifically, the most productive people work for 52 minutes at a time, then break for 17 minutes before getting back to it (similar to the Pomodoro Method—more on that here). What is this? The employees with the highest productivity ratings, in fact, don't even work eight-hour days.

What is 30 minutes after 9:45? ›

What is 30 minutes after 9:45? 10:15 How did we calculate that? Between 9:45 and 10:00, there are 15 minutes.

How many hours is 8:30 to 530? ›

8:30 to 5:30 is 9 hours. If you take a half hour for lunch, that's still 8.5 hours. If you're working 5 days a week, that's 42.5 hours. If you're working until 6:00 each day, that's 45 hours a week.

How to make excel calculate time worked? ›

How to Calculate Hours Worked in Excel
  1. In A1, enter Time In.
  2. Next, in B1, enter Time Out.
  3. Then in C1, enter Hours Worked.
  4. Right-click C2 and select Format Cells. ...
  5. In C2, enter the following formula: =IF(B2<A2,B2+1,B2)-A2.
  6. Total hours worked is displayed in C2.
May 6, 2024

When should breaks be taken at work? ›

Most California workers must receive the following breaks: An uninterrupted 30-minute unpaid meal break when working more than five hours in a day. An additional 30-minute unpaid meal break when working more than 12 hours in a day. A paid 10-minute rest period for every four hours worked.

How many minutes should you work before taking a break? ›

How often should you take breaks? Every 30 minutes is often suggested, especially for people who spend most of their day sitting or are otherwise inactive for a significant portion of the day.

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.