British Yorkshire Pudding Day, Slow Sunday and My Grandma's Traditional Yorkshire Pudding Recipe - Lavender and Lovage (2024)

Sunday Lunch in a Yorkshire Pudding

British Yorkshire Pudding Day

British Yorkshire Pudding Day, Slow Sunday and My Grandma's Traditional Yorkshire Pudding Recipe - Lavender and Lovage (2)

Slow Sunday and My Grandma’s Traditional Yorkshire Pudding Recipe

Today, Sunday the 5th February, is British Yorkshire Pudding Day! This special day is the brain child of Florence Sandeman of and I endorse it wholeheartedly. Today is also the start of my second weekend Blog Hop, my Slow Sunday event…….a time to share your slow Sunday recipes and/or blog posts, and your entries can be anything from a beef casserole to a vegetarian curry or stew, or home-made bread and marmalade – anything that you have cooked, baked or made for Sunday is acceptable, and the slower it is cooked the better. To return to British Yorkshire Pudding day again, here is what Florence of recipes4us says about this special British festival of batter puddings:

Over the years, I have come across numerous National food day celebrations, most of which appear to originate in the USA.Americans seem to have a high regard for their favourite or traditional foods which they simply translate into celebratory days, and far from being nationalistic, these are merely opportunities taken to highlight much-loved foods or dishes, often in a fun and light-hearted way.I decided it was about time us British did likewise and in the same tone, so designated February 2008 to mark the launch of British Yorkshire Pudding Day.

Why Yorkshires?

To me, Yorkshire Pudding is one of the most iconic of British dishes, famous not only in the UK but also abroad. It is a treasured dish which most Britons (and many visitors to our country) will have eaten at least once, and many who live in theUK consume it on a regular basis – once or twice a month, frequently more.It is also a recipe which has stood the test of time, with its present form boasting a history dating back to the 1700s and its predecessor,Batter Pudding, having been eaten perhaps centuries before that throughout Great Britain. In fact, it’s probably safe to say that as long as meat has been spit roasted, some form of Yorkshire Pudding has been made, though no-one really knows when it was first eaten.More importantly, it is a recipe of the people – no matter what their background or where they live, millions have enjoyed it, so what better British dish to honour than Yorkshire Pudding.

Why the 1st Sunday in February?

Although the idea was fully formulated some months before, in order to give everyone enough time to identify with the concept and ‘get on board’, I decided to delay the actual day. February seemed a good month, not only because the weather, being rather chilly in the UK, is conducive to eating comfort food, but it’s also long enough after Christmas that everyone will have forgotten any feelings of guilt they may have been harbouring for having over indulged.As Sunday Roast Dinners are probably still the most popular time when people make and eat Yorkshires, it seemed logical that British Yorkshire Pudding Day should be on a Sunday . . . . but which Sunday?
At the time of its inception, many Britons still follow the tradition of adhering to Lent, a 40 day period of abstention from eating certain foods, starting in February and ending at Easter. Although today those who observe Lent often just give up something they like, such as chocolate, traditionally the eating of rich foods was prohibited during this period, so people would make pancakes on Shrove Tuesday to use up any eggs, milk and fats they may have.I felt that it was therefore only fitting that whilst attempting to celebrate and preserve one part of our heritage, the opportunity to join in shouldn’t exclude those who stillcelebrate and preserve another British tradition. The first Sunday in February was therefore the natural choice, taking all of the above into account.
As intimated above, British Yorkshire Pudding Day is not meant to be some sort of serious nationalistic statement with sinister undertones. It is merely a day set aside when everyone, be they British or not, can remember, enjoy and celebrate the joys of an age-old recipe.2011 saw the launch of “Yorkshire Pudding Week” by a British manufacturer of Yorkshire puddings. Whilst I encourage people to eat Yorkies as often as possible, don’t be sucked into this blatant rip-off on the back of British Yorkshire Pudding Day which has obviously been conjured up to increase their sales. Keep the faith: Keep British Yorkshire Pudding Day!

Happy British Yorkshire Pudding Day !

British Yorkshire Pudding Day, Slow Sunday and My Grandma's Traditional Yorkshire Pudding Recipe - Lavender and Lovage (4)

Back to my Yorkshire Pudding recipe. As the title says, this is my grandma’s traditional English Yorkshire pudding recipe and it is so easy. The great thing about this recipe is that it works on equal measures of volume and therefore there is no weighing or measuring as such. So, if there are only two of you, use a very small cup – if there’s a crowd, use a big cup, jug or a mug! Easy. One tip – ALWAYS make sure the oil/fat is SIZZLING hot before you pour in your batter; preheat your tins with the oil/fat before pouring in your batter……that’s about it really. NOTE: I have suggested that the yield is between 8-16 individual Yorkshire puddings, depending on the size cup you use. A tip – 4 beaten eggs will make about 8 to 10Yorkshires. That’s it for today, I will back back tomorrow, and the blog hop instructions for Slow Sunday are below, Karen.

British Yorkshire Pudding Day, Slow Sunday and My Grandma's Traditional Yorkshire Pudding Recipe - Lavender and Lovage (6)


My Grandma’s Traditional Yorkshire Pudding

Print recipe

Serves 4
Prep time 1 hour
Cook time 20 minutes
Total time 1 hour, 20 minutes
Region British
By author Karen S Burns-Booth

The great thing about this recipe is that it works on equal measures of volume and so there is no weighing or measuring as such. So, if there are only two of you, use a very small cup - if there's a crowd, use a big cup, jug or a mug.


  • 1 cup beaten eggs
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • ½ cup milk
  • ½ cup water
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 -2 tablespoon cooking oil or 1 -2 tablespoon drippings


The great thing about this recipe is that it works on equal measures of volume and so there is no weighing or measuring as such. So, if there are only two of you, use a very small cup - if there's a crowd, use a big cup, jug or a mug.


Step 1 Preheat your oven to 240C,475F or gas mark 9. (If you are cooking roast beef and/or roast potatoes, make sure the beef has been removed to "rest" before carving and that the potatoes are moved down to the bottom shelf and NEED browning still).
Step 2 Pour a scant amount of oil or dripping into your Yorkshire Pudding tins.(A large roasting tin can be used too. If you do not have a Yorkshire Pudding tin which has 4 wide and shallow cups of about 4" in diameter, then use a large muffin tin). Put the tin into the pre-heated oven about 5 minutes before you want to cook the Yorkshire Puddings.
Step 3 Empty the flour, salt & pepper into a large roomy bowl. Make a dip in the centre and add the beaten eggs bit by bit, mixing as you go along. Add the water/milk mixture gradually and whisk in between each addition. Keep whisking until all the liquids have been added. The batter may still be lumpy - this does not matter. Cover and leave to rest for up to 1 hour.
Step 4 Just before cooking, whisk thoroughly again to break down any lumps & add some more air.
Carefully take out the tin/s. Pour the batter into the tin/s and QUICKLY return to the oven.
Cook for about 20 minutes until well risen and golden brown. DO NOT open the oven in the first 10-15 minutes or they will DROP! If you have two tins cooking, rotate the tins from top to bottom shelves after the 10-15 minutes so they cook evenly.
Step 5 Serve with Roast Beef and lashings of gravy!
Can also be served with any Roast Dinner - we love them with Roast Chicken.


1.If you make anycomfortrecipe on Sunday, please add your recipe/blog post link here. The recipe can be vegetarian or non-vegetarian.

2.This a Blog Hop, so you can see and share all of your comfort recipes/blog posts as well as discover other recipes and other blog posts too, it’s a great way of meeting new people and discovering new recipes!

3.To add your recipe to the blog hop,you need to link to meand add theSlow Sunday badgesomewhereon your post page. To link to me, the URL: to be added in your post at least once, as a link.

4.You can enter as many times throughout the month;this Blog Hop will close on the 29th Februaryand a new one will start on the nextSaturdayin March.

5.The Slow Sunday badge can be grabbed from my side-barand you can also display the badge on your blog if you wish.

6. Have fun and don’t forget you can add and enter as many times as you want.

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British Yorkshire Pudding Day, Slow Sunday and My Grandma's Traditional Yorkshire Pudding Recipe - Lavender and Lovage (2024)


What is Yorkshire pudding called in America? ›

History. The popover is an American version of Yorkshire pudding and similar batter puddings made in England since the 17th century, The oldest known reference to popovers dates to 1850. The first cookbook to print a recipe for popovers was in 1876.

Do British people eat Yorkshire pudding after their main course? ›

Some do, some don't. Traditionally some form of stodge was sometimes served first in a meal to fill people up cheaply. Currently the canonical use is as an accompaniment to roast beef. More recently the batter pudding is sometimes served as a dessert course with golden syrup.

Why don't you have Yorkshire puddings at Christmas? ›

If you are a strict traditionalist, then technically you should steer clear. It's unlikely that Yorkshire puddings were included in the first traditional Christmas dinners because they had not yet been invented.

What is the secret to making Yorkshire pudding rise? ›

There is a secret to every Yorkshire pudding recipe when it comes to getting Yorkshire puddings to rise properly. In fact there are two. The first is to let the batter rest once you've mixed and the second is to heat your tin and beef dripping so it's piping hot when you do pour the batter in.

Do they sell Yorkshire puddings in America? ›

Let's get the cold, hard facts out of the way: the US does not have yorkshire pudding. Grocery stores don't stock Aunt Bessie's between the frozen peas, ice cream and mozzarella sticks. Home goods stores don't carry tins to make yorkshire pudding in alongside cake molds and pie pans.

Can you get Yorkshire pudding in America? ›

And it would appear it is just as popular over in the US, especially around Thanksgiving. But instead of proudly sporting God's own country in its name, the Yanks call them 'popovers' - getting its name from the “dramatic rise” caused by the steam.

Why do Brits like Yorkshire pudding? ›

The puddings were originally served as a first course with gravy because meat was expensive, and the dough could better fill you up when smaller portions of meat were all that was on offer.

Why do Yorkshire puddings go cakey? ›

The oven isn't getting hot enough (needs to maintain a 220C/425F temperature). Your oven loses heat too quickly when you open the oven door and/or you leave the oven door open for too long whilst you're filling up the Yorkshire pudding tins with batter. Too much batter or not enough fat in the tin.

Why do Yorkshire puddings taste so good? ›

Yorkshire Pudding Theory #6: Beef Drippings Make the Best Yorkshire Puddings. Beef fat has more flavor than a neutral vegetable oil, but the choice of fat in your Yorkshire pudding can affect more than just flavor. It also has an effect on texture.

Why are Yorkshire puddings unhealthy? ›

Traditional trimmings like Yorkshire puddings, bread sauce and stuffing add to the salt, fat and calories in your meal, so go easy on these or skip them altogether. Making your own helps reduce fat and salt.

What can go wrong with Yorkshire pudding? ›

There are a number of reasons why they might not be reaching the heights you hope, but most commonly it's down to the oven or oil not being at the right temperature when the batter goes in. The oven should be hot – we're talking 220C/200C Fan/Gas 6.

Why do my Yorkshire puddings not have a hole in the middle? ›

Room temperature vs cold batter: if your batter is at room temperature when it hits the hot pan, you will get a better rise with a crispier hollow pudding. If your batter is cold, your Yorkshires will be slightly more dense inside but with that perfect gravy-pooling cup shape.

Should you stir Yorkshire pudding batter after resting? ›

Let your batter rest

Our no-fail yorkies recipe recommends transferring your batter to a jug after mixing, then leaving it to rest for at least 15 minutes. If you leave your batter to rest overnight, as is the case in our mushroom yorkshires recipe, make sure you give it a good stir before cooking.

Should Yorkshire pudding batter be thick or runny? ›

Yes, the batter should be runny, about the consistency of heavy cream. Here is my very quick, easy and amazing cheap recipe together with some important points which will make sure the puddings are a success.

Should you rest Yorkshire pudding batter in the fridge? ›

4: Pour the batter into a jug, cover and leave to rest in the fridge for at least 4 hours, but ideally overnight if you have time. 5: When ready to cook, pre-heat the oven to 180 C and heat up your pudding trays, adding a little oil or beef dripping into each 'cup' and heat for at least 10 mins.

What is another name for Yorkshire pudding? ›

Prior to being given the prefix of Yorkshire in 1747 in the bestselling cookbook The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Simple by English cookery writer Hannah Glasse, a Yorkshire Pudding was simply known as a “batter” or “dripping pudding”.

What is similar to Yorkshire pudding? ›

Yorkshire puddings and popovers are a pair of side dishes that share many similarities. But for the discerning baker, there are some subtle differences between the two.

Is Yorkshire pudding like American biscuits? ›

Yorkshire pudding is a savory popover-like dish made from a simple blend of eggs, milk, and flour. Yorkshire pudding was originally made with drippings from roasted meat, but many modern recipes use oil and butter in its place.

What is the American version of British pudding? ›

American puddings are closer to what the Brits would call "custard." A British pudding is a dish, savory or sweet, that's cooked by being boiled or steamed in something: a dish, a piece of cloth, or even animal intestine.

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