The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1932 THE TIMES RECORDER. ZANESVILLE. OHIO ELEVEN Large Class to Receive Degrees Old Muskingum Roy J. Gillan, State Senator, to Deliver Address Wednesday A total of 62 students will receive degrees and diplomas in the commencement exercises for the first semester of Muskingum college summer school. The exercises will be held in Brown chapel Wednesday morning and the program will begin promptly at 10 o'clock.

State Senator Roy J. Gillan, of Wellston, will be the principal speakHe has been a member the a number of years state, senatected to bring an interesting message to the graduates. Mr. Gillan received his bachelor degree at Ohio university; master's degree at Ohio State university and a law degree at Western Reserve university. During his career as state senator he has sponsored much progressive school legislation and has served on the state tax and finance committees and is familiar with subjects of interest to the public.

Of the 62 students who are to receive their degrees and deplomas, 57 will be presented their elementary teachers' diplomas. Two bachelor of arts degrees will be conferred, two bachelor cf science in education and one bachelor of science degree in educaton with music supervision. Registration for the second summer term will begin Tuesday and Wednesday and classes will take up Thursday morning. The list of the summer graduates follows: The ilst of summer graduates for July follow: Bachelor of Olyn F. Hull, South Zanesville; Elizabeth Pickens, Martina Ferry.

Bachelor of Science in EducationHarry L. Dennis, Martins Ferry; dred C. Ogan, New Concord. Bachelor of Science in Education with Music Supervision--Wilma Lemley Shane, Lore City. Year Elementary DiplomasRosa Lee Allen, Crooksville; Bailey, Kathryn Elnora Balo, Conesville; Curtis G.

Breckenridge. Watertown; Arrena Bates Breeze, Shawnee; Ernest Burkhart, Marr; 'Elizabeth A. Burns, Bethesda: Carrie Mae Corwin, Sarahsville; Raymond E. Craigo, Newcommerstown; Mary Eliza Danford, Buffalo; Rachel Davis, Shawnee; Hilda M. DeYarmon, Dillonvile; Gladys L.

Dysart, Belmont; Jennie C. Eckelberry, Graysville; Margaret Evans, Toronto; Clark M. Fouts, Durant; Eva George, Carrollton; D. Fay Grunder, Creston; Almeta Mildred Hayes, Dexter City; Marie Henyan, Nashport; Elizabeth Himes, Cambridge; Elizabeth Smith Hines, Dillonvale; Cora L. Johnson, Newcomerstown; Maria Josephine Johnston, Coshocton; Ivt Mae Love, Glenford: Harriett haney, New Martinsville, W.

Marjorie Mcnu*tt, Caldwell; Helen V. Mallarnee, Freeport; Walter R. Mallarnee, Tippecance; Kathryn Lucille Marsh, Berne; Florence Ruth MinZanesville: Martha Jeanetta Mitchell, Cadiz; Irene Morris, New Concord; Freda Mae Newbanks, Waterford; Lawrence Nichols, Caldwell; Elva Gertrude Nuzum, Barnesville; Foster Alexander Pyle, Chandlersville; Carrie Cuezene Rex, Cumberland; Bessie Anne Riegel, Otsego; Gladys Estella Robertson, Jewett; Ruth Evelyn Roe, Batesville; Gladys Rockwell, New Lexington: Dorothy Marie Rose, Zanesville; Edith I. Schreiner, Gnadenhutten: Farrill S. Sharrock, Plainfield; Mary E.

Shriver, Byesville; Kesiah Sims, Bellaire; Irene Black Starkey, White Cottage; Eleanor Edith Stephen, Quaker City: Helma Ganelle Stephen, Quaker City; Homer Delbert Swain, Sarahsville; Sara Taylor, Lafferty; Blanche Idel Thomas, Jerusalem; Leila Mae Thompson, FlushIng; Marjorie Ellen Treadwell, Shawnee: Lester R. Zwick, Marr. August graduates are: Bachelor of Arts--Kenneth Nelson Callender, Kittanning, Glenn L. McConagha, New Concord: Charles F. McClain, Philadelphia, Paul Roller Otsego; Kermit Oddley Roe, Butler, Alton Zaile Thorla, Cumberland.

Bachelor of Science in EducationLeslie O. Carpenter, Ralph Dennis, Martins Ferry: Earl R. Gregg, Belle Valley; Grace Kerner, Zanesville: Gwendolyn Nelson, McConnelsville; Mary Lois Shipe, Cam- Nationally Advertised RING 5 ROMANCE 'SYMBOL LOVE, with 7 $11O DIAMONDS An engagement diamond ring aglow with modern sentiment. Value without equall NO CASH -2 WEEKLY POLLOCK'S Main, Cor. Sixth bridge; Golda Olive Winland, Winland, Wingett Run.

Two-Year Elementary DiplomasMaybelle Barnett, Waterford; G. Dennis Betz, Philo; Pearl G. Bode, Summerfield: Gertrude Eleanor Bouvard. ing: Fern Almeda Craig, Graysville; Utica; Marjorie Luella a Brokaw, FlushRuth Davis, Byesville: Lloyd Walter Norwich: Xerxa G. Gardner, Freeport; Ruth Martha Herman, Cambrige; Vera May Holtsclaw, Belmont: Evelyn Dorothy Isaly, Clarington; Sara Marjorie Jolly, Hopedale: Clarence Lake, Quaker City: Edna Lucille McCourt, Cambridge; Mabel Florence McCullough, Freeport; Letty Estella McGary, Allendonia: Thos.

Kelly McCaughy, Belmont; Frank McGrew, Jewett; Geneva Aice Miller, W. Concord; Lillian Marcella Phillips, Lafayette; Edna de Lucille Patton. New BlackRun; Tezza W. Plants, Newark; Alice Blue Rock; Fay E. Powelson, Blue Rock; C.

Roger Reynolds, Flushing; Eleanor Ritchey, St. Clairsville; Frances Robinson, Dresden: George Henry Roth, Cadiz; ThelBetts Shaw, New Concord; Frances M. Sisk, Cumberland; Hazel Sophia Smith, Reinard Mills; William D. Smith, Quaker City; Freddie E. StephSomerton: Louis W.

Thomas, rusalem; Hannah Thompson, Jewett; Viraginia R. Timmons, Quaker City; Lillian Clara Tudor, Lancaster; Madge Marsh Ullman, Stafford; Nettie Catherine Warne, Spratt; Audrey Rosalie Weekley, Cambridge; Glenna M. Wells, Dennison; Beulah Elfreda White, Zanesville: Helen Margaret Wise, Belladre: Georgia Mae Workman, Bellaire; Lillian Verne Workman, Bellaire Miss K. Shourer Called by Death At Purcell Home Former Employe of Sturtevant Store Succumbs on Thursday Miss Kate Shourer. 69, died at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon in Helen Purcell home, Woodlawn avenue, after an illness of several months' duration.

Miss Shourer had been valued employe of the H. H. Sturtevant store, Third and Main street, for 10 years in the alteration department. She also was a member of Pilgrim Evangelical church. She was admitted to the Purcell home three and a half years ago to spend her declining years.

Surviving is a nephew, William Temple, city. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the Purcell home. Burial will be made in Greenwood cemetery. Arrangements are in charge of Trimmer. This Girl Was Thin and Pale Gained 14 Lbs.

In 3 Weeks Now she's rosy, healthy, weighs what she should--Just from taking a tablespoonful of mentha pepsin with her meals. This tasty appetizer (finicky kids BEG for it!) acts like nature's gastric juice to draw out all the good of what you eat and turn it into firm, healthy flesh and rich blood. No stuffing. No forcing down of heavy foods you don't like. No nasty ton1cs or "builders." Simply eat what you like and let mentha pepsin do the rest.

Be sure to get genuine mentha pepsin by asking for Dare's. Bailey's on Main, Eckerd's of Zanesville and other first-class druggists always sell it with a guarantee of money back if even one bottle doesn't help. Rate Changes Are Effective Several Increases in Parcel Post Ratings Changes in rates under insurance fees and C. O. D.

packages in the parcel post division at the postoffice have been brought to the attention of the publio by W. C. Sims, superintendent of mails at the local office and patrons urged acquaint themselves regarding the increases. The insurance fee under the new act follows: Packages up to $5 in value, cents; up to $25 value, 10 cents; up to $50 value, 15 cents; to WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILEWITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go It you feel sour and sunk and the world looks punk, don't swallow a lot of salts, mineral water, oil, laxative candy or chewing gum and expect them to make you suddenly sweet and buoyant and full of sunshine. For they can't do it.

They only move the bowels and a mere movement doesn't get at the cause. The reason for your down-and-out feeling is your liver. It should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels.

Gas bloats up your stomach. You have thick, bad taste and your breath is foul, akin often breaks out in blemishes. Your head aches and you feel down and out. Your whole system is poisoned. It takes those good, old CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up." They contain wonderful, harmless, gentle vegetable extracts, amazing when it comes to making the bile flow freely.

But don't ask for liver pilla. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills. Look for the name Carter's Little Liver Pills on the red label. Resent substitute. 25c at all stores, 1931 C.

M. Ca Costume Slips Non-cling Broadcloth, Hemstitched Bodice Top Tailored Style 6-inch shadowproof hem, French seams, 45 in. long Colors: White, Peach, Flesh Sizes 36 to 44 J. PENNEY $100 value, 25 cents, and $200 value, 35 cents. Fees on C.

O. D. packages are charged in a number of classes and are 18 follows: up to $5, 12 cents; to $25, 17 cents; to $150, $50, 40 22 cents: to $100, $200, 32 cents; cents and to 45 cents. Mussel shells of the "Mississippi often yield valuable pearls. MEN'S Washable Ties 19c Pastelle Colors Embroidered KRESGE'S 25c to $1 Store 525 Main St.

Zanesville, 0. ARE YOU FORTY YEARS OLD? 'RECEDING VISION" is the condition which appears in middle age. Small type must be held at a distance in order to read clearly. At this period nearly everyone requires reading glasses, and an examination of the eyes is of the utmost importance. HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED H.

S. Optometric Eye Specialist First Trust Cor Main 5th Bank Entrance, Elevator Service SWIFT A ELECTRICITY CLEAN AS ELECTRIC LIGHT LEARN the marvels of Electric Cookery TODAY This range is the "Hotpoint of 3 new G-E Hotpoint Electric Ranges Have a cool kitchen this summerand all the year 'round advantages of electric cookery-by installing a G-E Hotpoint Range now. Perfect oven insulation holds the heat in -keeps it out of your kitchen -assures normal room temperature. As dramatic proof of this -a cake of ice on top of a highly heated Hotpoint oven melts almost as slowly as if placed where else in the kitchen. THE Calrod, General Electric's speedy new steel G.E Hotpoint cased heating coil in the at Hotpoint range, cooks with clean, flameless heat.

No more scorched or soot-blackened pans-no more scouring or scraping. Hotpoint kitchens stay clean Learn the marvels of electric cookery today. Discover the new and better flavor of Hotpoint-cooked food. Find how G- Hotpoint brings new venience, new economy, GREAT: NEW. new cleanliness, new hours of freedom.

See the RANGE new Hotpoint models on our store, display at our showroom. GENERAL ELECTRIC ELECTRIC Hotpoint RANGE Southern Ohio Public Service Co. PHONE 1093 MAIN ST. AT 6TH Willard W.C.T.U. in Good Meeting The members of the Willard W.

C. T. U. held an interesting meeting at the home of Mrs. Hazel DeWees on Ohio street Thursday afternoon.

The devotionals were in charge of Mrs. Lulu Huffman. The regular business of the group was transacted and plans MINNIE MAXWELL 41 North 4th St. Women's Wear DRESSES Silk, Chiffon, Dotted Swiss in White, Black, Light and Dark Colors, Prints and Plain5 The Sensational Clothes Value of the Year 75 All one Price ALTERATIONS FREE KAMBER CLOTHES 608 Main St. Open Saturday Until 9 O'clock were made for a picnic to be held on Putnam Hill park Thursday, August 11.

It was voted to invite the members of the Putnam W.C.T.U. to attend. The plente session will be featured by the election of officers. The collection of will occur at this time and reporta the officers will be dues, received. An interesting program renderad nt which time Miss Ella DeWees gave an interesting reading on and Prohibition." Union Hill Grange to Meet Saturday The regular meeting of the Union HIlL Grange will be held Saturday evening.

After the business session "Youth lowing program will be rendered: song by the Grange; roll call, "Name Historical Place Visited and Where reading by Lola Wentz, This program will be following by 1 question box. of ght. and WAS each the re a Mr, WaS were Mrs, Miss reet, Vn age men 55 New. zula: rally Great man, that swille Cothim and David icted ville, 01 E. wife WI- other stone which The benson, esent the sters, deand died ation pings the in.

date, ed in White Years rning was ilding owing his. lor. a and use of cone laid linger town. settler George ceeper Funk 38. W.

er, 12 bulit ves built road The re 1825. and 19 kept Lewis ge W. name cottoffice foreel had two wagon ed to father eering the oundion to ch-rege W. which the Ike at rening oldest was ounty leadsking- liban he know re his 058 In a used many with 65 ewtoy come did. 06 of and bat ts ar the HendWAS dricks.

United history on Inning FulIck of some nt up rooks: In the se was south er was in was John school Rankin school school pole her on White her at settler but Four cintire rs ran the later and go White een ent Luring BROUGHT TO HOSPITAL at 8 o'clock Mrs. Charles was brought the tol-1 Thursday for AND NOW THE NEW Model A ELECTRIC KENMORE WASHER All of the Very Latest Features 95 39 Cash Delivered Anyone can own one of these fine washers at this new low price. CV aT It's so little trouble to wash with the Kenmore. You can do a washing for baby every morning after breakfast. No hand-rubbing--no harsh soaps--only the double washing action of the Kenmore is needed to get the little garments fresh and clean.

It washes Work clothes and even rugs just as easy. Come in tomorrow and see America's greatest washer value! 5 $5 DOWN Monthly Small Carrying: Charge SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. 36-38 N. 5th St. Phone 1248 (0) July Clearance SALE STARTS FRIDAY This Sale Means SAVING MORNING For the Entire BE HERE! Women's $3 $4 Footwear Every pair marked PUMPS down for quick disposal! Nothing re- STRAPS 47 served out they ALL HEELS TIES ALL.

SIZES go! MEN! HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE! GOODYEAR WELT OXFORDS POLICE SHOES Here is a real value--black and 1. ARCH SUPPORTS two-tone combinations. 2. COMPOSITION SOLES 3. HEAVY UPPERS .89 1.89 ALL SIZES BOYS' AND GIRLS' WOMEN'S ARCH INFANTS' $2 and $3 Footwear FOOTWEAR STRAPS Straps, Ties, Genuine OXFORDS Sport Arch Supports $1 .89 Oxfords to 6 97c that FIT 59c Sizes WOMEN'SNEW BEACH OR STREET Men's WORK SHOES Women's COMFORT These All Sizes.

to Wear TIES. SHOES, See $1 SANDALS 97c Guaranteed $1.47 STRAPS, 97c In all colors with heavy WOMEN'S FELTS Store TENNIS SPECIAL! SHOES FOR THE FAMILY SPECIAL! 550 BOYS' and GIRLS' soles padded 29c FORMERLY, LOCATED AT AITKEN CA 530 Sand White 33c Stewart, of Caldwell, to Bethesda hospital, an operation..

The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.